Kawaii Squishy Grab Bag es una bolsa sorpresa rellena de squishies de marcas oficiales. Su contenido, completamente sorpresa, ¡vale mucho más que el valor pagado por la bolsa!
Cada bolsa es única y contiene una variedad al azar de 8 squishies súper tiernos, cuidadosamente escogidos por Kawaii Panda y, además, ¡más un squishy completamente gratis! Es decir, ¡recibirá un total de 9 squishies enviados en una bolsa muy kawaii!
En todas las bolsas son enviadas garantizados 2 squishies de las mejores marcas como iBloom, Puni Maru, CreamiiCandy, Bunny's Cafe, entre otras, así como, 3 squishies de Sanrio y 1 squishy de Cafe de N. Stock muy limitado.
Es posible que tenga pequeñas imperfecciones de fabricación o de acabado.
Medidas: 194 x 170 x 115 mm
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Fecha de disponibilidad:
Al comprar este producto puede obtener hasta 9 puntos de fidelidad. Su carrito totalizará 9 puntos que se puede(n) transformar en un cupón de descuento de 2,25 €.
Kawaii Squishy Grab Bag
Kawaii Squishy Grab Bag es una bolsa sorpresa rellena de squishies de marcas oficiales. Su contenido, completamente sorpresa, ¡vale mucho más que el valor pagado por la bolsa!
Cada bolsa es única y contiene una variedad al azar de 8 squishies súper tiernos, cuidadosamente escogidos por Kawaii Panda y, además, ¡más un squishy completamente gratis! Es decir, ¡recibirá un total de 9 squishies enviados en una bolsa muy kawaii!
En todas las bolsas son enviadas garantizados 2 squishies de las mejores marcas como iBloom, Puni Maru, CreamiiCandy, Bunny's Cafe, entre otras, así como, 3 squishies de Sanrio y 1 squishy de Cafe de N. Stock muy limitado.
Es posible que tenga pequeñas imperfecciones de fabricación o de acabado.
Medidas: 194 x 170 x 115 mm
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Composición | Poliuretano |
Colección | Kawaii Panda Boxes |
Os squishes escolhidos pela Sandra foram escolhidos a dedo, mesmo o que foi de oferta. São todos Lindos, muito Kawaii e apetece-me comprar muitos Grab Bags destes. Cheiram muito bem, um deles é um moango que, passado mais de um ano de ter comprado este artigo aindz tem a mesma intensidade, zpetece comer ! Muitos Parabéns Sandra e Kawaii Panda. Continuem com este Artigo, vale cada cêntimo.
Review of two bags
I brought two squishy grab bags and rate them at 4/5 stars. Firstly, the little bag they each came in is super cute! I will definitely be using them to store my squishies in. I couldn’t find any other reviews of these grab bags so I wasn’t sure what to expect other than what was mentioned in the description (At least 2 of the bigger brands, 3 Sanrio, 1 Cafe De N, others, for 8 total + an extra) and that the bag contents should be way more than the price paid.
Even though I brought two bags, every squishie I received was unique. The bigger squishies were absolutely amazing and they are all squishies I would personally buy myself! That part of the bag was definitely a 5/5. They were lovely choices and my favourite part of the grab bag. (There was 2 in each bag). There was 2 Bunny’s Cafe, 1 iBloom, 1 Wawaii.
I also loved the mini Cafe De N squishies (One in each bag). I am personally not a big fan of Sanrio squishies but of course before buying I knew I would be receiving 3 in each bag. It is nice to have them in my collection still and they are all very cute.
The other squishies received in the bags were all smaller squishies like the Sanrio ones but from different brands. I loved Miffy when I was younger so it was great to see a Miffy bread squishy in one of the bags. There was a few squishies that were not to my liking but that is expected with a lucky bag! The 9th squishie (the free extra) in each of my bags was a strawberry biscuit on a ball chain (I received one in red and one in pink). I don’t think it is branded but It is my next favourite after the bigger brand squishies because it can be squished freely and feels pretty soft. It also has a nice strawberry scent!
Overall I am happy with the bags and glad I purchased. I added up all of the items I received and I did save money on them based on the prices on this site at the time I purchased. Each bag was worth around £80 (GBP) and I paid roughly around £50 (GBP) for each bag not including the shipping cost. One thing to note is I brought the bags on sale. If they wasn’t on sale they would have cost around £82 (GBP) each so there would have been no saving at this full price cost, as the contents would have been the same value as the price paid, so I only recommend buying them if they are on sale! :)
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